Monday, May 20, 2024


After years of abuse from fake lashes, it was time to take lash recovery seriously. In comes NULASTIN®. Beyond lashes, NULASTIN® is able to regrow and strengthen hair whether it be the hair on your head or the hair that is your eyebrows. The first and only of its kind (in the world!), this high performance miracle grow for your hair is easy to apply, only requires a quick twice a day routine and helps you regrown and then keep your hair. By activating and supporting the hub of each hair follicle, NULASTIN® gets to the "root" of the problem, replenishing the elastin at the root system. Within six weeks there is noticeable difference!

To learn more, see more and to shop for NULASTIN® products, click here.

Big Thanks to the entire team over at Jennifer Ruff Communications for making this feature possible!



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