Monday, July 15, 2019

Measure And Made

 First you measure, then you make. Finally a fashion brand that accommodates virtually any and every size.  Measure And Made offers jeans, career pants, capris and shorts created for every body, powered by Fitlogic technology.  Just take the quick Fitlogic quiz to determine your body shape and you can rest assured that you get the pair of bottoms that best suit you, your lifestyle and your body. There's no other brand that measures up to this!

To learn more, see more and to purchase Measure And Made  fashions, click here.
Big Thanks to Megan and the entire team at 5W Public Relations for making this feature possible!


1 comment:

  1. Just take the quick Fitlogic quiz to determine your body shape and you can rest assured that you get the pair of bottoms that best suit you, your lifestyle and your body. There's no other brand that measures up to this! تأجير خيام الأحداث والهياكل المؤقتة | الهياكل الشبه الدائمة | هياكل الخيمة المتنقلة | تأجير خيام اوروبية بالرياض | خيام ملكي مجالس عربيه
