JC Alexa & Poland

JC Tick
Soooo, maybe you remember back to 10/31, when we told you to get to a LF store ASAP as the shoes we featured were probably sold out before you even able to finish reading the post? Well, one, they totally were sold out before you done reading the post (yes, they sold out that fast), but two...today just might be your lucky day. I just witnessed a shipment of boxes being opened at the LF on 5th Ave in NYC and guess what?! They're baaaaaaaack! The Poland and Alexa shoe have been restocked, and as they were sold out in literally hours a few weeks ago, the same will go this time around. They even came in Ivory and Black Patent leather this time (the black matte leather is there too, don't you worry!). So tomorrow morning, do yourself a favor and GO. GET. THEM. But wait, there's more!!!! The boutique was also FINALLY restocked with the Jeffrey Campbell Tick shoe! This one hasn't been in stores for THREE. WHOLE. MONTHS! All the more reason to wake up early (come on I know you're all off tomorrow for the holiday) and get a little shopping done before Black Friday! Hurry, hurry! And if you can't make it, contact me to get on the waiting list!