Showing posts with label 2012 COLLECTION.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012 COLLECTION.. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

LeMi Calecoes de Joias

Launched in 2009, Brazilian brand, LeMi Jewelry, features everyday, lifestyle pieces for the contemporary, stylish young woman. "LeMi," which comes from the French term, "Le Moi," meaning "Self," is about understanding your own true happiness, as well as discovering love and peace in life. Young Designer Carol Uruahy, with no less than five years experience at luxury jewelry house, H. Stern, quotes Morocco and her recent trip there (see our recent trip there here and here) as her inspiration for this most current collection entitled Calecoes de Joias.

To learn more, see more, and to shop for LeMi Jewelry, click here.
Big Thanks to LeMi Jewelry Designer herself, Carol Uruahy, for making this feature possible!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Pure Ice Vinyl Remix Launch

With complimentary manicures, sweet desserts, and fruity cocktails, the Pure Ice Vinyl Remix launch event at Beauty Bar had all the elements that equate success. The new Vinyl Remix Collection features a hot new set of colorful crackle enamels for the fun, adventurous girl.

To learn more, see more, and to purchase Pure Ice Vinyl Remix Nail Enamel,  click here.
To learn more, see more, and to shop for other products by Bari Cosmetics, click here.
To learn more, see more, and to visit Beauty Bar, click here.
Big Thanks to Rachel Bronson and Kristen Pessalano of Bella PR for the invitation to this event!


Friday, January 27, 2012

Cameron Levin Sati 2012 Collection

The Cameron Levin 2012 Collection, entitled Sati, after the Egyptian goddess of waterfalls, emulates the natural beauty and movements of running water in slow-flowing streams, rushing rivers, and crashing oceans.

To learn more, see more, and to shop for Cameron Levin, click here.
To see more Belles&Rebelles coverage of Cameron Levin, click here.
Big thanks to Designer Cameron Levin, herself, for sending this look book our way!
